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Ode to 2020 by Lorraine Riess

BML Staff

So ready for this year to finally be over

I started writing this back in October.

If we thought 666 was a demon in disguise

or the number 13 would bode an ill omen,

2020 was the year of awful surprise.

It caught us off guard, had us cooped up at home-en.

Covered faces don’t cut it by far,

I can’t tell if you’re smiling or stoic or sore.

How many times I left my mask in the car,

had to go back for it to get into the store.

We listened to bluster, the campaign pervasive

while watching the virus count climb.

Blame and promises weren’t very persuasive.

We missed hugs, handshakes and grandkid’s time.

Approved just last week, a preventive vaccine.

Now millions of doses that Pfizer makes

rolls out first to our stressed-out medical teams.

I’m not one for needles, but this one I’ll take.

We’re bereft by the loss of Carl this year.

All those volunteer hours to get the work done;

it’s hard to replace dedication that rare.

Now it takes two to do the work of one.

Bring in 2021 and give it some room

so parties, plays and the arts can return.

We’ll gather again, give Zoom a rest,

breathe a sigh of relief and give it our best.

Lorraine Riess



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