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Explore More Poetry Venues...

As April was national poetry month, we hope to re-awaken and re-acquaint ourselves with the art form as the earth comes back to life in the spring.


Please feel free to jump in and post some of your old favorites to share or discover new poets.  Or publish one of your originals! 


Two wonderful poetry sites to find your inspiration are and the Poetry Foundation.


Here is a link to the Library of Congress Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature 


About this Collection

Listen to audio-recorded readings of former Consultants in Poetry Elizabeth Bishop, Gwendolyn Brooks and Robert Frost; Nobel Laureates Mario Vargas Llosa and Czeslaw Milosz, and renowned writers such as Ray Bradbury, Margaret Atwood, and Kurt Vonnegut read from their work at the Library of Congress. This Archive at the LOC dates back to 1943. It contains 2000 recordings—of poets and prose writers participating in literary events at the Library’s Capitol Hill campus. Most of these recordings are captured on magnetic tape reels, and only accessible at the Library itself. In digitizing the archive and presenting it online, the Library hopes to greatly broaden its use and value. The material featured online represents a sample of this collection. The site will continue to add items from this archive on a monthly basis over the next several years.

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