So what happens when I forget to bring in the thick, healthy jade bush on the first real night of frost? I end up with a jade tree. Lots of leaves fell off, many have weird spots, but it isn’t dead. This jade plant has a history. It started as cuttings from a friend’s plant back in 1999. I planted it at our beach house and it got giant. We moved to PA, so I took cuttings, wrapped in wet paper towels and a baggy. It became a potted plant in PA, then was snuck back into CA in a moving truck. (Don’t do this. Possible bad bugs and all.) in CA, it went back into the ground as multiple plants and became huge again. Then we moved again, took cuttings again and it now resides in a weird pebble/cement pot that came with the house and squirts water through all these little holes in the cement. It is recovering, but will need a better pot and perhaps less nibbling on by the cat. Bonus points if you can see the cat in this photo.